Since Chandrayaan 3 was launched, space enthusiasts around the world have been eagerly awaiting India's lunar mission to make a successful landing on the Moon's surface. Curious minds have also pondered Chandrayaan 3's potential to provide a unique viewpoint as it travels around the solar system. These fascinating depictions of the planets in our solar system from Chandrayaan 3's perspective are provided by AI-generated graphics.
These breath-taking images, influenced by AI, show Earth as seen from the peaceful lunar environment. From the Moon's surface, the photographs offer a really fascinating glimpse of our planet's beauty set against the expanse of space.
Because of its size resemblance to Earth, Venus is frequently referred to as Earth's twin. Venus, however, spins around the Sun very slowly. Venusian days are equivalent to 243 Earth days.
This is the view of Earth from Chandrayaan 3. The only planet with life is Earth, which is the fifth largest planet in the solar system.
One of the solar system's planets that has been explored the most is Mars. It has canyons, polar ice caps, and extinct volcanoes.
The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is a gas giant. It revolves once every 11 hours and completes one orbit of the sun every 12 Earth years.
It has lovely rings surrounding it and is the second largest planet in our solar system. The uniqueness of the planet is enhanced by these lovely rings.
Uranus is a massive ice giant with the third-largest solar system-wide diameter. A whole orbit of the Sun is completed by Uranus in around 84 Earth years.
The solar system's furthest planet is Neptune. An orbit around the sun takes the planet 165 Earth years to complete and takes 16 hours to revolve.